*******Breaking News********
Straight from the board of TCW:
Was just informed that Chi Towns Finest Mr.B had to be escorted off the premises due to the fact that he received at least 100 pages long of rules and regulation an guidelines, background checks,security clearance,doctor evaluations, the whole nine yards for the TCW Show next Saturday June.21,2014.....Also within those pages it also stated that if everything is not in order there will be no TCW show next Saturday which lead Mr.B to become Mad with anger an flipped out...he started flipping tables over throwing chairs threw windows yelling "Who The Hell This Person Think They Are" I Know Ain't Nobody But Duckman Is Behind This, I'm Positive he said, As He Was Getting Escorted Out....So Will There Be A TCW Show Next Saturday?? Will Mr.B Get His Anger Under Control An Meet The Guidelines Stay Tuned.......